Contemplatives For Life
Contemplatives for Life
“Mary kept all these things, pondering them in her heart.”
Prayer for expectant mothers has long been one of the Church’s spiritual endeavors. Expectant mothers, who share in a very special way in God’s gift of life, deserve to be supported by the prayers and blessings of the Church’s hierarchy and her members. They need to know that they are enfolded and upheld both spiritually and practically. Prayer is a primary action in this loving support.
As prayer for mothers and their unborn children has become more and more public, we have seen various steps taken to limit both the prayers and the public awareness of the prayers. One of these steps is the legal establishment of so-called “buffer zones”.
These steps have in turn resulted in an intensification both of the prayers and the effort to make known the prayerful support of expectant mothers. An article on this subject, “Prayers Pass Through All Buffer Zones”, was recently published on Where Peter Is. One effect of this article is the agreement among various contemplative nuns to make known to expectant mothers our love for and support of them. This has resulted in “Contemplatives For Life”, an informal alliance of contemplative nuns who choose to reach out to our sisters who carry a child beneath their heart. We seek to share with them our love and the assurance that we are with them in prayer. For this reason, we provide some materials to be shared with expectant mothers and we hope that you will join us in making these materials available.
We have been praying for all efforts to help mothers who carry a child and for all those who lovingly work to bring help and support to those mothers who need them.
The best known of these efforts is the maintenance of crisis pregnancy centers and clinics. Contemplatives For Life support very especially those engaged in this work. They have our deep esteem and the continuous support of our prayers!
Our prayers are not limited to those expectant mothers who seek the help of the various pregnancy organizations. We desire to reach out to all expectant mothers. We are present in spirit in a special way to those who struggle with various needs and concerns, and at the same time we enfold in our prayerful intentions each and every mother carrying a child beneath her heart. The power of prayer flows from the infinite love of God and there is no limit to what it can accomplish.
Contemplative nuns are in the forefront of the spiritual battle, but that battle itself is waged essentially in silence. For this reason, those who share in this outreach to expectant mothers choose to remain unknown.
We thank you for all you do to help those in need and to uphold those who trust in God’s love and grace. We pray for you and for you intentions and we assure you of our love and respect.
In union of prayer,
Contemplative Nuns
For more information, please contact us at .
We have several materials for free distribution. You can find them here: Contemplatives For Life – Materials